Online resources - The Network
More than 2500 professional members in all the Americas (from Canada to Argentina) , Europe and EMEA region.

International online professional programs on societal performance, CSR and Management of Business Incubation

Courses on Social, Organizational and Individual Performance
Check PII catalog of
Professional courses
Certification credits
Master of Business Incubation (MBI)
PhD in Social and Organizational Performance
The PII Brian Hub is a research and collaboration center that publishes and promotes the exchange of fact-based research and practice in social and organizational performance improvement projects.
The City Doctors program has started initiatives in several cities and countries around the world, finding innovative and sustainable ways to transform "sick cities" and "anti-social" capital into thriving and attractive communities.

e-Performance resources and support
PII Institute
Check the latest free software and Apps for:
e-Learning platforms (LMS and LCMS)
Building Websites
Online surveys
Online polls
Virtual Classroom
Online video production