PII Programs

Online certification programs
The Performance Improvement Institute offers 3-month all online, project-based certification programs with virtual classroom and personalized coaching provided by expert instuctors on a series of areas such as:
Performance Improvement (Levels 1,2 and 3)
e-Learning design and development
e-Performance, virtual work and e-commerce
Client experience design
Corporate Social Responsibility Certification and standards
Return on Investment for training, talent deveiopment and HR programs
Check the courses and schedule
Management of Business Incubation
This certificate program covers all the competencies for developing and managing startups and nesw projects.
The progfram is entirely online and based on managing real projects and startups.
Participants can earn the MBI degree by completing and accruing a program of practice-based online courses.
The expert consultants and faculty at the MBI program tutor and supervise the projects.
Learn more about the MBI.
PhD in Social and Organizational Perfomance
This PhD program graduates new projects and entrepreneurial ecosystems.
MBI and MBA credits can be applied towards the PhD program
Check the requirements and submit your project