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Hot Waves, Green Shields: Implementing Megaplanning in Buenos Aires Urban Renewal

Addressing environmental issues while mitigating poverty calls for innovative solutions. This paper analyzes how Buenos Aires has applied principles from Roger Kaufman's Megaplanning and C.K Prahalad's Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) approaches to augment green spaces, clean the environment, and foster job creation.

The broader city context and the specific instance of Barrio 31 are examples.

Roger Kaufman's Megaplanning and City Doctors Model in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires adopted Kaufman's Megaplanning approach, prioritizing societal needs (Kaufman, 2000). This is demonstrated in the Buenos Aires Green Plan (PDF), created to increase per capita green space via urban redesign (Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 2011).

In Barrio 31, the city initiated the Integral and Social Urbanization Project in 2016, seeking to improve living conditions and integrate the neighborhood into the city. This echoes Kaufman and Bernardez's City Doctors model, which calls for a strategic approach to improve societal health (Bernardez & Kaufman, 2009).

C.K Prahalad's BOP Strategy in Buenos Aires

The city implemented Prahalad's BOP strategy by creating jobs for the urban poor while promoting environmental health. This was embodied in the 'Green Roofs' initiative under the Buenos Aires Green Plan (Prahalad, 2004).

Barrio 31 witnessed the establishment of the Creer y Crecer (Believe and Grow) cooperative, providing residents with employment in recycling and waste management (Ronderos & Blomquist, 2017). Fernández and Bernardez (2018) highlight how this strategy unleashed social capital within Barrio 31.


Integrating Kaufman's Megaplanning, City Doctors model, and Prahalad's BOP approach in Buenos Aires presents an innovative model for urban renewal and poverty alleviation.

Trees, green roofs, social entrepreneurship, and a 50-year strategic plan (Modelo Territorial 20-10-2060) that integrates environmental improvement and social development with urbanistic high-level design, supported by several different administrations

Buenos Aires exemplifies how cities can simultaneously address environmental and social issues by responding to societal needs and offering income opportunities to the disadvantaged.


Kaufman, R. (2000). Megaplanning: Practical Tools for Organizational Success. SAGE Publications.

Prahalad, C. K. (2004). The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits. Wharton School Publishing.

Bernardez, M., & Kaufman, R. (2009). In Search of the City Doctors. Performance Improvement, 48(5), 9-17.

Fernández, G., & Bernardez, M. (2018). Unleashing social capital in Barrio 31. Performance Improvement, 57(8), 37-45.

Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. (2011). Plan Verde. Retrieved from

World Bank. (2019). Argentina – Buenos Aires Urban Transformation Project. World Bank.

Ronderos, M. T., & Blomquist, J. (2017). Slum Upgrading and Housing in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank.



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