Dr. Mariano Bernardez is Executive Director of the Performance Improvement Institute, Director of ISPI Global Network and the Kaufman Center. He is an international expert in social business development and incubation in Latin America, Europe and US.

Jeb is Founder of Resilient Cities Catalyst and an expert in international development. His work on sustainability, climate and business innovation spans across many sectors and geographies. In addition to several books, , he also co-authored a prizewinning HBR article with CK Prahalad entitiled “Co-creating Business’s New Social Compact.”

Marcelo is an expert in trade economics and development, advisor to governments and private sector in Latin America. He is the Director of PI Rio de la Plata chapter, Professor of Buenos Aires Institute of Technology Business School (ITBA)

Dr. Fu is an expert in the area of marketing and sales performance improvement. He is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Missouri - St. Louis (UMSL).

George is an innovator in management and learning. Co-founder of Improvement Consulting, also a current Director of ISPI (International Society for Performance Improvement).

Dr. M. S. Krishnan (“Krishnan”) is the Accenture Professor of Computer Information Systems and Professor of Technology and Operations at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. He is also the Faculty Director for India Initiatives at the Ross School of Business. He has co-authored the book “The New Age of Innovation: Driving Co-Created Value with Global Networks” with C. K. Prahalad

John is an expert Leadership/Executive Coach and a Performance Improvement Consultant. He is CEO of John B. Lazar & Associates, Inc., a performance improvement firm providing coaching and consulting solutions; board member of ISPI; committee member of Roger Kaufman Awards.

Dr. London is the Ford Motor Company Clinical Professor and Area Chair of Business Administration at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and a senior research fellow at the William Davidson Institute. He is an internationally recognized expert on the intersection of business strategy and poverty alleviation and the author of the multi-award winning book, The Base of the Pyramid Promise: Building Businesses with Impact and Scale.

Belia is an expert Performance Improvement Consultant and advisor experienced in people and organizational performance. She is CEO of Improvid Performance Improvers, part of International Certifications Centre, board member of ISPI EMEA.

Lucy is a Non-Executive Director and Policy Advisor on issues relating to Finance, Economics, Governance and Performance Improvement. She presently is presently affiliated with 5 organizations at the Board and Advisory Board levels, in Nigeria, the US and South Africa.

Deepa Prahalad is an author and innovation consultant. She has worked with start-ups and large multinationals, and co-authored the book, Predictable Magic. Deepa mentors social entrepreneurs and serves on several nonprofit advisory boards.

Gonzalo is an expert in regional and entrepreneurial development Director of the PI Arizona-Sonora Megarregion chapter, Fellow at the Kaufman Center, director at the CERINNOVA Arizona-Sonora Mega region center for entrepreneurship

Dr. Rolle is an expert in economic development and development entrepreneurship. She is Dean of the Business School at the City University of New York (CUNY)

Mariana is an expert in human resources integral development COO at Kaufman Center, integral coach at PII Institute, PI Global Network and PI Rio de la Plata chapter.

Liz Wiseman is a NY Times bestselling author Multipliers and Rookie Smarts and an executive advisor. She is the Founder of the Wiseman Group and a leading global authority on leadership.

Klaus is an expert in system design, consultant to companies, nonprofit organizations, associations, and administrations worldwide. Managing Partner of performance design international, Adjunct faculty at 2 universities, Past-President of the International Society for Performance Improvement