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About us - Sobre nuestra Red Global


ISSP Global Network started as a Chapter of ISPI to become an international network of experts sharing a common vision and a systemic framework for improving social, organizational and individual performance and added value to organizations and commnunities. The idea is to make our expert's know how available not just at on site conferences "one or two experts at a time", but also making all the experts available all the time to all of our Virtual Chapter members. Find out how!


La Red Global para la Mejora de la Performance Social (ISSP) comenzo como un capitulo de ISPI para convertirse en una red internacional de expertos que comparten una vision y un enfoque sistemico para mejorar la performance de personas, organizaciones y comunidades. La de ISSP es hacer el know de de nuestros expertos accesible no solo en conferencias presenciales "uno o dos expertos cada vez" sino hacer todos los expertos accesibles continuamente a todos los miembros d la Red. Vea como!

Click on each expert's image to find out more about her/his career and expertise.​

Clicke en la imagen de cada experto para averiguar mas sobre su trayectoria y experiencia.


Roger Addison

Richard Clark

Fred Nickols

Allison Rosett

Mariano Bernardez

Dale Brethower

Ruth C. Clark

Geary Rummler

Ingrid Guerra-Lopez

Dean Spitzer

Carol M. Panza

Klaus Wittkuhn

Bob Carleton

Judith Hale

Roger Kaufman

John B. Lazar

Dough Leigh

Harold Stolovitch

Deborah Stone

Danny Langdon

Tiaghi Thiagarajan

Ryan Watkins

Artur Nunez

Carol Haig

Lynn Kearny

Margo Murray

Don Tosti

Greg Kearsley

Gloria Gery

Peter Dean 

Jorge Atehortua

Demian Campos Varela

Juan Acevedo

Mariana Sala.jpg

Mariana Sala

Gonzalo Rodriguez Villanueva

Marcelo Elizondo

Andres Pino

Monique Mueller

Christine Marsh

Belia Nel

Guy Wallace

Steven J. Kelly

Darlene Van Tiem

Barbara Gough

Jeanne Farrington

Robert Milton

Martha Rendon

Patricia Calle Botero

Lester Thurow

Copyright (2016) Performance Improvement Global Network - Chartered in March 26, 1998 - ISPI Leadership Awards 1999, 2002

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