Certification Credit Programs
Jun 01, 2020
Performance Improvement Level 1
Individual and team performance
Participants work in a project of their choosing using the HPIT to iprove individuals' or teams' performance and results guided by personalzed teaching and coaching from PII experts.
The course last 3 months annd covers:
Five stages of a PI process (from needs assesment to implementation, evaluation and follow-up)
Diagnosing and improving all factors of a performance system:
Culture & context
Jun 01, 2020
Organizational Performance - Level 2
Developing or turning around organizational performance
Participants work in a project of their choosing using the HPI methodology toimorove organizational performance and results guided by personalzed teaching and coaching from PII experts.
The online course takes 3 months and covers:
Factors in organizational performance:
Diagnosing and improving all factors of an organizational performance system:
Client experience, value proposition
Talent management
Value chain, networking & positioning
Financials (conventional P&L and Double-Bottom line accounting and budgeting)
Innovation in products and services
Participants learn tools and methods to engage all levels and areas of the organization in performance improvement
Jun 01, 2020
Social Performance - Level 3
Design and measure social impact, CSR, double bottom line metrics
Using Roger Kaufman's Megaplanning, and a Double Bottom Line Business Case, participants develop and implement a project to measure and improve value added to organziation's stakeholders in areas such as:
Corporate Social Responsibility standards and metrics
Social impact measurement and double-bottom line business case
Client Experience - Client well-doing and well-being improvement
Community value added - sustainable jobs, investment,. impact of products and services
Employees value added: human capital (competencies, employability, creativity, productivity, quality of life, engagement)
Measure social and environmental value added in USD

Jun 01, 2020
e-Performance: Level 4
Methods and tools for virtual teams and companies
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Jun 01, 2020
PI Competencies (credits): Client Experience: Client-centered process & competences improvement
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Participants will learn how to apply to their own projects and organizations tools and methods to:
Desiggn a superior client experience
Evaluate and improve client's experience
Align processes and resources with a superior client experience
Measure client's experience quality
Value client experience (value proposition

Jun 01, 2020
PI Competencies (credits): Need Assessment & Impact Evaluation
This program will allow participants to:
Generate buy-in and collaboration by engaging stakeholders in defining priority issues from their own perspective
Analyze priority themes and related factors
Synthesize issues and illustrate relationships through system mapping
Generate relevant solution options
Use a solution analysis framework to select best solutions

Jun 01, 2020
PI Competencies (credits): ROI + : organizational and social return on investment
Double Top line and Bottom line Business Cases
The participants will be able to:
Create a business case for their projects
Identify conventional ROI
Measure social and environmental ROI
Mesure and quantity in dollars benefits for the project's clients

Jun 01, 2020
PI Competencies:: Design Thinking and Meta-collaboration for Disruptive Innovation
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Design thinking and meta-collaboration are ways of expanding our thinking about the practice of improving performance and achieving extraordinary results for people and the places where they live. How do we design behaviors and capabilities for ourselves for a "new normal" - where alternative mindsets, perspectives and arguments are not only more common, but an inevitable, desperately needed expression? How do we engage in ways that influence and inspire better collaboration that can be sustained?
This course is an interactive, principles-based journey to shared context, content and method. Participants will learn about practical, elegant, fun, and powerful principles, concepts, and methods for approaching the most challenging of problems, together.

Jun 01, 2020
PI Competencies (credits): OKR - OBJECTIVES AND KEY RESULTS
OKR Certification for management and teams
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Define and identify Objectives and Key Results for their projects, business or customers
Measure and evaluate Key Results
Identify Key Results for all kinds of Objectives
Identify and correct ill-defined Objectives
Identify and correct ill-defined Key Results and replace them with measurable Key Results
Monetize all kind of Key Results
Use our OKR Excel templates for OKRs
Achieve certification in OKR methodology
Participants will see examples, templates and work on their own projects and cases