
PII programs are designed according to international CPT standards

PII is a certified member of the International Business Innovation Association.

Sub-national (state to state) value chains in South America.

PII programs are designed according to international CPT standards
Strategic Partners
PII develops its programs in accordance with the standards of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) and in specidfic partnershiop with the leading universities, think tanks and professional associations in each knowledge domain and industry specialty.
Check our customized programs and contact our experts and faculty.
Strategic clients
PII helps startups and value chains find and obtain support from strategic clients -leading companies that support high-quality, socially responsible organizations and practices.
Check our strategic clients and contact our experts for advice in your project,.

Whole Foods foundation supports producers around the world that meet organic standards and demonstrate social impact.

Whole Planet funds local food suppliers around the world.

PII promotes social impact and accountability.

Whole Foods foundation supports producers around the world that meet organic standards and demonstrate social impact.
Global Network
IAs part of the Performance Improvement Global Network, PII provides educational and incubation services to individuals, organizations, communities and value chains.
Explore and join our Global Netwrk.

1500 members in 25 countries

From Canada to Argentina - Bilingual and Virtual networking

Our partners in Europe

1500 members in 25 countries