Organizational performance

A new approach:
From organization "geriatrics" to "pediatrics"
None of the 20 best organizations named by Tom Peters in his 1981 best seller "In serach of Excellence" are still in business,
80 percent the growth comes from under-10 years old companies.
Only 30 percente of the startups makes it beyond 1 year.
MBC and its PII work on growing new businesses with a method that gets 70 % survival, iconic brands and social value added.
Innovation and social purpose make the difference.
PII helps bring them together.

Define: Strategy + Impact + Client - Sell the project to investors and sponsors

How do we add value to our clients, stakeholders?

Define: Strategy + Impact + Client - Sell the project to investors and sponsors
Strategic Planning & thinking starts with the strategic client
Strategic client is the client that gives your company a breaout opportunity, either by challengig it to a new level, by supporting it or all of the above.
Steve Jobs had it right. So did James Watson Sr. founder of IBM, when he said "everything starts with a client" anf focused on the newly created Social Security as the first strategic client for then tiny IBM...

Implementation: deliver systematically service & profits

Implementation: deliver systematically service & profits
Incubation: building an organization that supports the client experience
Once we get the "what: right, we work on the "how we can make it better than anyone else" that makes the difference... and is the only reason for spending money in processes, activities and resources.
For as Peter Drucker said: "All profit comes from outside the organization. Inside there are only costs."

PII helps your organization (new or existent) to position in strategic clients and markets and build a brand.

PII helps your organization (new or existent) to position in strategic clients and markets and build a brand.
Meeting and making your strategic client
It was Postal Service for Boeing, Social Security for IBM, IBM for Microsoft, social change for Ford, Apple and Google.
MBC is your "match-maker" in finding and forming a lasting partnership with that strategic client -that can also be your "angel" investor-