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Societal performance

PII - Global Network
Supporting value chains

Whole Planet network
Whole Food sponsored partners & suppliers

Virtual Networks
Performance Improvement Global Neywork (

PII - Global Network
Supporting value chains
Building value chains
PII helps develop global value chains and entrepreneurial ecosystems linking Latin America, US, Canada, EU and Asia.
PII enables organizations to join and position in value chains and engage with value-adding partners and clients.
Read more about our approach and experiences and contact us to find out how we can help your organization or project.
"City Doctors": communities' transformation
Turning around "sick cities" with a systemic approach based on a shared vision and performance technology.
Refinor, Argentina
Southern Sonora, Mexico
Colon, Panama
PII brings together all stakeholders and multiple disciplines with a common focus and a systemic framework.
Read more about it and contact our experts.

City Doctors
Turning around cities and communities

A systemic approach
Integrating all factors for societal performance

Job creation
15,000 jobs in 5 years

City Doctors
Turning around cities and communities
Social Impact scorecard:
Building a Double Bottom-line business case
We use a double bottom-line business case to measure and manage social impact in all areas.
Read more about it and contact our experts.

Measuring three levels of results
Micro: products and services + Macro: business ROI + Societal ROI

Doing well by doing good
We measure value created (or subtracted) to society - Jobs + social indicators

Double Bottom Line Business Case
Measuring social impact (Mega), organizational revenue (Macro) and products and services delivered (Micro)

Measuring three levels of results
Micro: products and services + Macro: business ROI + Societal ROI
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