Results of the Strategic Plan based on Mega planning in Ciudad Obregon and the Southern Sonora regio
Peter Drucker (1993) in his Post Capitalist Society posits that the old capitalism is one of money and things while the new capitalism is...

Toward Increasing the Probabilities of Successful Executive Decisions: A Check-List
Decision-makers face making good and evidence-based decisions. What they choose must bring positive results. A useful decision will be...

From no job to 21st century job in 12 weeks: Competencies Boot Camps
How can we help a growing number of working-age young and older adults that have been unemployed or out of school for more than a year to...

Creating jobs, building homes and reducing crime at the same time? Turn on your smart phones.
Crime and real estate might look like odd bedfellows. Builders and homeowners try to stay as far as possible from crime-ridden,...

A solar border wall? Mending fences, literally.
How about building President Trump’s controversial border wall with solar panels and in Mexico? Taking on a controversial and politicized...

Is Globalization reversing?: A new approach
Is globalization over? Are there alternatives to protectionism to create and protect jobs? The answer is yes: and they are currently in...

Graduating organizations and ecosystems : a new approach for universities - Results in Mexico
Mariano Bernardez, PhD., CPT Executive Director, Performance Improvement Institute (PII) Director Performance Improvement Global Network,...

The Pitfalls of Performance Measurement Technology
While interest and investment in measurement-related technology is growing exponentially, technology is one of the most misunderstood,...

Innovation districts: turning around social and economic performance requires go beyond "tech p
Around the world, cities and region grow innovation districts trying to emulate the success of Siliucon Valley Creating sustainable...

City Doctors: A new approach for the transformation of cities tested successfully in Colon, Panama
Just like their dwellers, cities can get sick. When that happens, each citizen experiences multiple and dramatic symptoms affecting daily...