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Results of the Strategic Plan based on Mega planning in Ciudad Obregon and the Southern Sonora regio

Peter Drucker (1993) in his Post Capitalist Society posits that the old capitalism is one of money and things while the new capitalism is of knowledge and ideas. Under this conceptualization there is a coming shift from zero-sum games to win-win ones. Current policies of nations have not yet turned to this new capitalism. One issue might be the unit-of-analysis, or scope of definition for trade. Functional globalization depends on such a holistic shift from borders to ecosystems; a larger unit-of-analysis and attention.

If we see it closely, with the new technological applications appears new entrepreneurs that are arising all over the world, as a result of the appearance of cross-national entrepreneurial ecosystems that have been growing over the past two decades.

Khanna says, connectivity itself –alongside demographics, capital markets, labor productivity, and technology- is a major source of momentum. Currently we are witnessing a massive global commitment to infrastructure. Cities and highways, pipelines and ports, bridges and tunnels, telecoms towers and internet cables, electricity grids and sewage systems, and other fixed assets command about $3 trillion dollars per year in global spending, well over the $1.75 trillion dollars spent annually on defense. Because of ecosystems. Infrastructure issues can go across borders,

Moving into abandoned factories and urban blight in Detroit, Chicago, Eindhoven and Barcelona’s hundreds of entrepreneurial districts are bringing growth and jobs back by working locally as “brain belts” for global markets with global investors and partners. (Kaufman, Bernardez and Rodriguez, 2016).

The Ari-Son Megarregion

Across the borders between Arizona, California and Sonora -the so-called Ari-Son mega region[1]-, and between Texas and Monterrey, cross-national entrepreneurial ecosystems keep growing as an effective alternative to illegal immigration, creating jobs and fostering investment on both sides, selling and exporting to shared clients in the Asian-Pacific[2] and EU economic areas Boeing 787 semiconductors, lithium ion batteries and car parts[3].

In the last meet of the Sonora-Arizona commission, celebrated in Hermosillo Sonora en December of 2016, event, that has been celebrated among Sonora and Arizona for the last 50 years, Governor Doug Ducey from the state of Arizona speaking at a just-completed meeting says, Lucid Motors will hire 2,000 people to build electronic vehicles in Pinal County, and that the company chose that location because of its proximity to a supply chain of parts in Sonora. "This is a major win for Arizona, Sonora and our entire region,”.

Soon after, Ducey’s counterpart, Sonora Gov. Claudia Pavlovich, welcomes him: "Thank you for being here, thank you for your friendship, for your leadership, and for being such a good partner.”, and governor Pavlovich lists the advantages of what the two governors call the Arizona-Sonora Mega-region: a supply chain that can connect the center of Mexico to the American West Coast, access to relatively inexpensive labor. And finishes,"We can develop bi-national relationships at the local level,", and, she adds, they should benefit Sonora and Arizona.

The Sonora Innovation Ecosystem

On February of this year, the secretary of Economy of the state of Sonora, Jorge Vidal Ahumada presented the Project of Innovation Ecosystem for the state of Sonora, where government, academia and enterprises will interact in order to generate new businesses. The program will be led by Dr. Ramon Sanchez who is The director of the health and sustainable energy program of the Harvard University. The objective of the program is to build an Innovation Ecosystem in Sonora and to do that, he started with a diagnosis that was presented to the community, on march 28th.

Results of the evaluation of the Innovation Ecosystem for the state of Sonora

The Innovation Ecosystems and the new productive activities in Southern Sonora

Mega level- Measurable value added for society and communities such as paying jobs created; direct and indirect revenue, for the community and market, and reduction of societal costs derived from unemployment, health, and other community problems.

Using the double bottom line business case PII developed by Mariano Bernardez (Bernardez, 2009) ,ITSON was able to align the teaching, research and consulting activities with strategic goals and monitor and manage the process, applying a modified version of Geary Rummler´s and Brethower´s (2014) Anatomy of Performance –AOP- model to design cross-organizational value chains to connect and synergize the new companies. An example is that during the 2005-2010 periods, ITSON installed a Wide Area Network (WAN) covering three cities, two clusters to incubate technology and agribusiness companies, a tourism operator and a multi-purpose arena.

On the Southern Sonora, we can speak that the four Innovation Ecosystems that started in 2008, those are: Biotechnology and Agribusiness, Software and Logistics, Tourism and Sustainable development, Education and Health, have evolved into the following clusters. After 10 years, more than 30,000 people are working directly or indirectly in the following activities.

Innovation Ecosystems Clusters

Food Services industries cluster I+D+i.

Biotechnology and Agribusiness

IT , Business Support, Trade & Consuling cluster

Software and Logistics

Tourism and Sustainable development cluster

Tourism, Arts & Crafts

Eco-sustainability and environment

Quality of Life and Human Services cluster

Human services and wellness


Obregon city is now the most business-friendly city in México

With the purpose of promoting habitation solutions by the Workers Habitation Enhancement National Institute that improve the quality of life of the affiliated, this organism generated an strategic alliance with ONU-Habitat in such a way that thru the initiative of prosperous generate a city prosperous index (CPI) in the 152 municipalities that showed more organization related with the mortgage credits in 2014, taking into consideration the municipalities agreements with the Urban and Territorial Agrarian Development Secretary.

The City Prosperous Index (CPI), takes into consideration the following factors: productivity, development infrastructure, quality of life, social inclusion and equality, environmental sustainability, governance and urban legislation.

In Obregon city, the software and business process outsource ecosystem holds 3,500 direct and 11,000 indirect jobs in activities related with: training, education, finance, research and development, among others..

The Ecosystem, beside the universities, holds specialized infrastructure such as the software technological park Sonora soft, that has around 1,200 people, the Obregon technology Development Center with 200 people, the Entrepreneurial Integration Technology Development Center with 50 people, other 300 people are in co-working spaces and the rest work by projects, directly on their own house.

[1] (Khana, 2016)

[2] In 2015, 40.2 % of all of Arizona’s exports went to Mexico, 10.6 % to Canada and 5.6 % to China -state’s three main export markets. - (US Census, 2017)

[3] (US Census, 2017)

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