Barrio 31 - Buenos Aires
The Barrio (neighborhood) 31 initiative aims to transform Villa 31, an informal settlement of over 40,000 people, and remove the physical, social, cultural and economic barriers that separate it from the rest of the city.
Villa 31 is one of the largest and most visible slums in Argentina with the population growing significantly in recent decades. The Barrio 31 initiative developed by the Buenos Aires city government uses an integrated approach that seeks to reduce poverty, improve quality of life for residents and simultaneously lead the way for housing and urban change throughout Argentina.
The strategy includes structural and impact measures to guarantee social, educational, health, economic and cultural rights of the population through participative and social work support strategies. Specifically, this includes the creation and improvement of infrastructure and equipment to expand the availability, access and quality of education and health benefits, guaranteeing equitable access to social services, and promoting the sustainable economic development of the area.
Barrio 31