Interview on system thinking (English)
Interview on social impact (Spanish)
Roger Kaufman is professor emeritus at Florida State University where he has received a Professorial Excellence award. He also has served as Research Professor of Engineering Management at the Old Dominion University; Norfolk; Virginia and associated with the faculty of industrial engineering at the University of Central Florida.
Roger Kaufman is currently distinguishd research professor at the Performance Improvement Institute, first PhD and MBI in Performance Improvement started at the Sonora Institute of Technology (ITSON) and currently a fully international program affiliated with ISPI and InBIA and the Performance Improvement Global Network.
In addition; he is Director of Roger Kaufman & Associates. Previously he has been professor of human behavior at the United States International University (now Alliant International University); professor of education at Chapman University; and also taught courses in strategic planning; needs assessment; and evaluation at the University of Southern California and Pepperdine University. He was the 1983 Haydn Williams Fellow at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth; Australia. Roger serves as the Vice Chair of the Senior Research Advisory Committee for Florida TaxWatch. His Ph.D. in communications is from New York University; with additional graduate work in industrial engineering; psychology; and education at the University of California at Berkeley and Johns Hopkins University (MA). His undergraduate work was in psychology; statistics; sociology and industrial engineering was at Purdue and George Washington (BA) universities.
Before entering higher education he was Assistant to the Vice President for Engineering as well as Assistant to the Vice President for Research at Douglas Aircraft Company. Before that; he was director of training system analysis at US Industries; Head of Training Systems for the New York office of Bolt; Beranek & Newman; and head of human factors engineering at Martin Baltimore and earlier as a human factors specialist at Boeing. He has served two terms on the U.S. Secretary of the Navy's Advisory Board on Education and Training.
He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association; a Fellow of the American Academy of School Psychology; and a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology. He has been awarded the highest honor of the International Society for Performance Improvement by being named "Member for Life;" an organization for which he also served as president. He has been awarded the Thomas F. Gilbert Professional Achievement Award by that same organization.
Kaufman has published 34 books; including Mega Planning; Strategic Planning Plus; and Strategic Thinking - Revised; and co-authored Useful Educational Results: Defining; Prioritizing; and Accomplishing. and Strategic Planning for Success: Aligning People, Performance, and Payoffs, as well as 220+ articles on strategic planning; performance improvement; distance learning, quality management and continuous improvement; needs assessment; management; and evaluation.