Award Categories

Concepts, Books, Ideas
Ideas, concepts, books, articles that show, explain new ways to achieve positive social impact
High impact concepts and models

Nonprofit - CSO
Nonprofit, social organizations with social impact goals and results
NGOs, CSOs, thrid sector initiatives

Social Startups
Products, services or business models that revolutionize the way we live and work and leverage social impact. Or new applications of existing technology. Think of cell phones in India or Africa...
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Government - Ecosystems
Non-profit or Government Organizations that do well by doing good, setting new trends to serve their customers while making a positive social (and cultural) impact in their communities, suppliers and partners.
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Business Social
Companies that "do well" by "doing good" , creating products, services, business models or practices that have positive social and environmental impact on all their stakeholders.
See some examples and crteria to apply/ propose