US Coast Guard
Protecting the delicate ecosystem of our oceans is a vital Coast Guard mission. The Coast Guard works with a variety of groups and organizations to ensure the livelihood of endangered marine species.
Through the Marine Environmental Protection program, the Coast Guard develops and enforces regulations to avert the introduction of invasive species into the maritime environment, stop unauthorized ocean dumping, and prevent oil and chemical spills.
The Coast Guard Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, and Stewardship (CGS) provides the framework and the strategic intent that will guide our actions. It is the U.S. Coast Guard’s commitment to the American people to remain Always Ready for all hazards and all threats. Built on the foundation of the Coast Guard’s Evergreen strategic planning process and its guiding principles, this Strategy aligns with the National Strategy for Maritime Security and supports the goals and priorities of the Department of Homeland Security. This Strategy identifi es strategic priorities for implementation across all Coast Guard missions in support of America’s maritime safety, security, and stewardship interests. It focuses on enhancements to legal regimes, awareness, and operational capabilities that best position the Coast Guard to defeat the asymmetrical, transnational threats America will encounter in the future. We will work with the Congress, our interagency partners, and our state, local, private, and international partners to bring this Strategy to life. As we stand watch, we will build the 21st century Coast Guard America expects and deserves.