Mexico: Helping Mexicans stay and succeed in Mexico: the PII Case

Beyond the bluster and stereotyping of election politics on both side of the Rio Grande, there is a real way to solve both US and Mexico problems: developing high-quality jobs that can keep (and attract) professional talent in Mexico adding value to US and our shared world. During 5 years, the Performance Improvement implemented a performance improvement program at the Sonora Institute of Technology (ITSON).
The mission of the PhD and MBA program was graduating new companies instead of just individuals. With the Megaplanning approach and a double-bottom line business case, PII developed 9,500 new jobs (direct and indirect) and 34 export-able companies.

PII developed an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Yaqui Valley, the Southeastern Sonora corridor into Arizona with projects in such diverse areas as ecotourism, bio engineering, manufacturing, software development, agribusiness, real estate and micro finance.
There were for profit, nonprofit and NGOs among the companies developed, and several incubation clusters:
Agribusiness park
Software park
Ecotourism corridor
Mar de Cortez touristic development
Obregon social housing
The entire ecosystem was designed on a map connecfing several towns and their innovation districts:

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